Effective Ways to Cut Plastic Bags from Our Shopping

Effective Ways to Cut Plastic Bags from Our Shopping | ecogreenlove

The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) states that humans produce 300 million tons of plastic globally every year. Half of the plastic consumed is for single-use. In 2016, the United States alone had produced 42 million tons of plastic waste—the most generated by any other country.

Unfortunately, humans only dispose of a tiny fraction of plastics the correct way. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) found that 8.7% of plastics were recycled, or 3.3 million tons, in the United States in 2018.

Plastic bags can take approximately 1,000 years to break down, in which the particles seep into and contaminate the earth’s soils and waterways. This requires extensive purification of our drinking water to keep humans from consuming plastics. Even still, scientists believe we ingest about 5 grams of plastic every day, about the weight of a credit card.

There are several valid reasons why plastic bags should be banned, including the harm it causes to humans, wildlife and ecosystems. Yet, you may be wondering how to use them less and what alternatives are available. Here are five effective ways to cut plastic bags from your shopping. 

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Go Green and Downsize your Life with a Capsule Wardrobe

Go Green and Downsize your Life with a Capsule Wardrobe | ecogreenlove

Living a sustainable lifestyle is crucial to minimize the impact we have on the environment. The overproduction of clothing is just one way humans have harmed the environment and our world. Through minimalism and sustainability, having only what you need and consuming less can positively change the planet and your life. It’s essential to find your own personal style, and by building a capsule wardrobe, you can find stylish outfits while reducing the number of clothing articles you need. Integrating the principles of Feng Shui, Vastra Sutra, and other holistic beliefs with your capsule wardrobe will help you bring positive flow and more abundance into your life.

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7 Tips on being an Eco-Friendly Parent

7 Tips on being an Eco-Friendly Parent | ecogreenlove

Babies are miraculous things to behold, especially when you’re a parent. Now, while having a baby is a responsibility in of itself, not many parents think about how they can be more eco-friendly in their parenting. 

Wait! Eco-friendliness in parenting? You heard right! 

In this article, we’ll show you 7 tips on how to be an eco-friendlier parent, where both you and baby are not only happy together, but are also doing a world of good on the environment. Read on!

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Fast Fashion: Drowning in Clothes [Video]

Fast Fashion: Drowning in Clothes [Video] | ecogreenlove

Many of us have grown accustomed to getting what we want, when we want, and the clothes we wear are no exception – the latest fashions are usually easily accessible and readily available in the developed world, for the right price.

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